Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The color Black and the new world market.

Dear Readers,
Today is the day that I talk about the color Black. Black isn't actually a color. It is a shade. It is a shade of a color. Something tells me that Black can actually be any color but just a really dark shade of it. So Green is actually not the color Red but a lighter shade of Black, and Red is also a lighter shade of Black as well. So with this in mind I will now talk about things which are the shade of Black.

If you happen to see my friend Jackie, you might say to yourself, "hmm that is a very pretty
girl." But if you saw her in a Black dress or shirt or anything that is clothing and Black then you might actually find yourself saying, "hmmm that girl is really smoking," and it would be okay.

Now I actually have a friend named Tudi, or as I like to call him 2D. twodee Anyway he is a very dark shade of orange. And the shirt he is wearing is actually a shade of pink (notice the difference)
Not only is Tudi a very dark shade of Black, but he is into recording records with his company Vero Records. And records as we all know are Black.

Patrick Lyon is a friend who has a "interesting" haircut. Not only is it "interesting" but is it Black. Patrick is a very Black boy. But it isn't his skin shade that makes him this way. Black isn't only a shade but it can represent the shade of you orra (the feeling or smell surrounding a person). He and I play Gears of War and I always CHAINSAW him to death. We get along great! Because of the nature of his orra I named him "Patrick Black'' in my telecellphone.

I am not trying to say that Black is a good thing, I am just saying that it exists and that it should be kept cautious of. Some of the many friends I have, have ran into things because Black, or "dark" to be politically correct, was covering their eyes. Don't let this happen to you. Here are a few steps you can take to protect yourself against Black.

1. If you wake up and are surrounded by Black don't freak out and going running around. It usually disappears in the morn, thats California talk for morning.

2. If you happen to step in something Black don't eat it off your shoe. Call a doctor and see if it is eatable.

3. Carry a flashlight around, Black, or any dark shaded color for that matter, don't like it.

4. Try to make friends with it. If that doesn't work call a doctor and see if it is eatable.

Thats all folks


Steve said...

I'm so glad that I can start learning California Talk now! Can you post a lesson in how to talk like a Californiany person?

I wonder if doctors are eatable....

Schmilga3000 said...

i hate you

Former Senator Collin Augustus Clark III said...

I love you

Mrs. C said...

orra should be spelled "aura"
