Thursday, August 9, 2007

Lazers: Their Problems and Coolness

Lazers have been around since the early middle ages. Their first known use was by King Richard of Hungry in the Battle of Los Arroz also known as The Day of the Corn. The King was under siege by his arch rival Sir Robin the Crow, a former senator turned turn coat. Sir Robin had constructed a large turtle made of bronze and coconut shells to use as a ramming device against the southwest corner of the castle.

lazers killing people in the movie "The Day of the Corn"
For four florescently moonlight nights the besieged suffered heavy losses one of whom was his wizard Dumbaldat who fell off the front of the castle from a shockingly large smack from the giant turtle. King Richard then pulled out his wand and preformed the killing curse, Avanaka, upon the hold army of bad guys killing them all, this was the first lazerized weapon ever. Sources tell us that he buried his wizard friend in a white tomb and mermaids sang at the funeral.

But lazers didn't just appear. We all know that lazers are used safely in every household for more than a century. Without them daily life could not go on without them. That would be tough.

Micheal Barber lazering things in his theology laboratory

Although we see them everywhere in our cars, in our fish tanks (Finding Nemo), our fossil fuels, or even unnoticed in our flashlights there are still unanswered mysteries surrounding lazers. Why do they kick butt? Who isn't the best? And what are they made of? Probably the biggest question is Why people don't run away in lazer tag when they are hit by them.

Industry Corps Press is a large company dealing with a large problem. How to make people run from lazers that don't kill.

What if you were suddenly surrounded by men with lazer guns and they all started shooting you. However they are toy guns not real ones. And say while playing with the toys the toymaker (aka someone hairy( not Harry as in Harry Potter (a book I just read( I being the hairy someone) ) ) ) wanted the lazers hitting your body to intiese (In-Tie-ssss) you to run away from the lazer toys and their wielders.

Solution #1
They are real lazers that kill people!

Solution #2
They aren't harmful lazers, but they do lock up joints in the victims playsuit causeing not movement in that particular area.

Solution #3
They cause a buzzing sensation like the one Steve Marshall experienced when he was at the toy store in North Carolina and screamed like a little girl upon being buzzed at by someone hairy.

Solution #4
The lazers turn people into zombies, not just when they hit victims but also randomly turning people into zombies just because they exist.

Solution #1 and #2 are either too expensive or immoral to be any fun, because spending money is not fun and neither is killing people. Solution #4 is cool, however it would be a lot cooler if the toys were around dinosaurs.

So the obvious solution is Solution #3.

Former Senator Collin Augustus Clark III

1 comment:

Steve said...

Glad to have you back, Former Senator. I always feel much more informed after reading these most educational posts.

Just think, if the whole world was as smart as the Senator...